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aims / effects of the promotion

  • trigger algorithm to grow sustainably
  • build or expand fanbase (brand building) -> followers, likes, comments, shares
  • cross-marketing benefits: viewers become fans and jump from YouTube to other social networks to interact -> final step: fans to concerts, sales


working method for the promotion

  • Promotion of Active Viewing only (100% of the work)
    • Promotion through newsletters, blogs, influencers, ads:

      viewers actively go to YouTube link and are interested in the creator itself, interaction is simplified (e.g. through newsletter where design is self-determined with links); better conversion of viewers to long-term fans -> longer, organic and sustainable build-up


duration of the promotion

  • Depending on the package chosen, between 2 weeks and 3 months in coordination with the creators' release schedule


General information about the promotion

  • sustainable / organic / real promotion
  • target-oriented promotion (interested-specific as well as geographical)
  • personal support with concept development


Explanation of cost structure

  • Factor: minimum streaming numbers for transparency and evaluation of promotion success
  • Guarantee of these numbers possible through evaluation of the song, calculation of the number and duration of playlists/newsletters/blogs/influencers as well as experience of already run promotions


this is a digital service, there is no refund available.

There is no guarantee that the song will be successfully placed and promoted.

YouTube Promotion

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